Why should I pay for OptionRoller Dashboard when the account statement is free?

You are not alone! We at OptionRoller also asked ourselves the same question: Why should we spend our time and effort to develop this dashboard, ask option traders to pay to use it, while all of us can simply get on the TD Ameritrade online portal to get the transactions?

We are not trying to hide anything from you; that is why, before we go over the tremendous values that OptionRoller may be bringing you, we have blogged about how can you obtain all of your TD Ameritrade option trading transactions for free. We suggest that you spend a few minutes reading the blog post first.

Now that you know how to get the information, let’s run through a real life use case together: If you are the type of option trader that trades complex option strategies, and perhaps open and close positions 3-5 times a week, what you will realize is your account statement will get long quickly, and typically structured in such a way that you will need to figure out each of your option trade’s profit/loss on your own. We all can do that, but is that really the best use of your time?

To be frank, we as option traders, access to information and availability of time is more valuable than money itself; and this is the value-add of the OptionRoller Dashboard. It provides readily-available P/L information to you in a simple easy-to-read manner, it allows you to gain back valuable time in your life, it potentially reduces the effort by yourself or your CPA to reconcile your trading records, all for a relative small cost.

Does the values and time worth the cost? We think so. But don’t take our words for it. Sign up for a trial, and see for yourself.

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